Journey to Africa

Friday, February 02, 2007

A visit with Mom and Dad...

My parents came for a visit these past few days and we've had a good time. The other day, we went to the National Museum here and got to see some great sights! Here are a few pictures of some of the "friends" we encountered!!

Here is a picture of my mom! She is standing in a place called the "place of nations" where they have used colored rocks to create the flags of each of the African countries. Here is a picture of Niger's flag...pretty cool, huh?


  • At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It sounds like you're all enjoying your time together and being witness to the nation simply by being a Special Family! WoW...Debbie, you are looking GREAT! :)
    Love ya and still in daily conversation for you all!


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