Returning to the Desert
Well it certainly has been a while!
I have been back in America for a little over a year - just enough time for me to begin to get re-adjusted and somewhat back into the routine of American life. But God, in His amazing way, has decided that it's time for another change!
I will be returning to Africa....yes, to the desert....for another 3 years. I am so blessed to be chosen to serve in this way! I will be in the same country as before but a new town, new people group, and yes, new language! As my last few days in America are coming to a close, I am excited and nervous, anxious and hopeful - all together. I know that something is going to happen in the next 3 years - something wonderful! I can't wait to be a part!!
I appreciate your prayers for me these last two weeks as I make the final preparations for leaving America behind once again. Though I know I was not made for here, saying goodbyes are always a little sad. But praise be to the One who will never leave us!
More to come once I arrive...
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