Journey to Africa

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Everyone loves pictures so here's a few more!! here I am in the village playing a game with some of the girls. I suppose "attempting to play" would be a better way to put it! I wasn't very good but they were good sports anyway! I don't know of any game to compare it to except jacks - they dig a hole and place small rocks or seeds inside of it. Then, they take a bigger rock and throw it up in the air and move some seeds out of the hole before catching the rock. Then, they have to throw the rock again and scoot all but one seed back into the hole before catching the rock. You need to have a lot of hand-eye coordination for this one and I guess I just didn't have what it takes!! But we had a good time laughing at my attempts!!

Here is me with some kids by the well. We're just hanging out.

And this one I put on here just for you, Dad!! I wore the Weigand Farms hat out to the villages one day and everyone thought it was hilarious!! I told them it was a hat from my dad's farm. Just wanted you to see me in it!! Love you!!


  • At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Your dad will love you in his hat!
    You look a little thin, Rach. Probably from your sickness. You may have to make some more clothes if you get any skinnier.
    The kids are darling. Looks like you are making a lot of "litle friends" besides adults. Good job Rachel. Grandma

  • At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice hat. good to see some pictures again.maybe when you leave you can trade your hat for a genuine fulani hat.Tell Waitee and Ali and the king and the chiefs and the coke guys all hi for me.
    say angima and fi alto
    papa bear

  • At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Rachel,

    We are praying for you out there. I keep our church posted. I found a couple of articles about you online. They were pretty good. One was from something called the Westerner....I think maybe from Kentucky somewhere.

    "Uncle" Charlie Brown


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