Journey to Africa

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Beauty in the desert... are some pictures of the beauty God provides for us out here in the desert.

Since coming here, God has given me a great appreciate for the beauty of His creation - specifically the sunset. So, enjoy these pictures that show just how creative and amazing our Father is!!

The Leaf Thief strikes again...

So, one morning I woke up and had just gotten out of the shower when I looked out my window and saw some random men in my yard, hacking at my tree!!

I went out there, ready to give them a stern lecture on stealing people's trees, but since they only spoke Hausa, it did no good. Finally, our landlord showed up and said that the tree was planted for it's leaves, not for shade, and so he was cutting down the leaves for the society. The leaves on our tree are used in a sauce that the people fix here.

So, in order to properly mourn the loss of one of our beloved trees, Melissa and I decided to take some pictures for you. The one above is a picture of the hack marks from the machetes that the men were using. The one below is of the crime scene - the missing leaves outlined in white.

In case you're wondering if we have too much time on our hands, don't worry - we are doing some productive things out here!! LOL!!!

Just pictures...

Here's some pix of me with some of the village kids!!