Journey to Africa

Saturday, March 31, 2007

It's been a while...

I was recently reminded (thanks Dave!!) that it has been a while since I have updated my blog. That's one of the difficult things about life here in Africa - not very good internet access! But, I am here now, updating all of you on what's been going on out in my part of the world

Things have been very busy around here but it's been a good couple of months. We've had visits from parents and volunteers. They have blessed us with coming and sharing in our lives here (and even bringing us some gifts!). We praise the Father for His provision and protection for them while they were here.

We have been doing some more storying with some ladies in one of our villages which has been going well. We recently talked about Ruth. They really enjoyed it. We are hoping to share more stories about women from the Word to help them relate. Be lifting them up as they listen to the stories.

It is beginning to get HOT around here!! It has been up to 110-112 degrees F (in the shade) in the middle of the afternoon some days! And it's been over 100 in our house!! So all of you enjoying that 70 or even 80 degree weather, just remember us out here melting away!! We have been going out to our villages in the mornings now because it is not as hot then. And with hot season comes other things - less-reliable electricity, sunscreen, fans, etc. in Africa!

Hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures on here again sometime soon. But that's just a quick update in a nutshell as to what I've been doing these past few weeks!