Journey to Africa

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I'm back!!

Well, I am writing you from the beautiful land of sand and sun!!  I have safely returned to Niger and am in the process of getting settled in and re-adjusted to life here.

One of the first things to "welcome" me back was the heat!!  I think I had forgotten just how hot it gets in Niger during hot season!  Or maybe I had just tried to put it from my mind...anyway, I am finding that I am adjusting to the heat quickly which is a blessing!

I love being back in Africa!  The Father has already blessed me many times through His protection and provision.  I am so blessed to be here and so blessed to be a part of the work here.

In just a matter of days, I will be moving out east to my new home.  I am excited about beginning to learn Hausa and getting to know my new neighbors!  I had the wonderful opportunity to go visiting a Hausa neighborhood today and it was wonderful just to sit and listen to the language.  Hopefully, in a few months, I'll be speaking it!!

I look forward to being able to post pictures and stories from my life.  I hope you'll join me on this amazing journey!!