Journey to Africa

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Team activities...

We were able to take the team to see some of the local wildlife around here. We saw 15 giraffes as we drove through the bush (sometimes literally through a bush!!).

We also saw termite you can see from the picture, they get to be pretty big around here!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Grover Park Team

Ok are some pictures of the Grover Park team that was here working with us. Don't they look great!! It was their last full night here and we went out to dinner together.

We had a wonderful time hosting them and we greatly appreciate their work and all that they did in coming here. They opened so many doors for us and we are excited to see what the Father will do through their work here even after they are gone.

And here is Melissa and I enjoying our dinner out with the team!

Friday, February 02, 2007


Here are some great hippo pictures for everyone!! At first, the hippo was a little shy...but eventually, with the help of one of the workers, she decided she was hungry enough to come out and visit!!

Here is the man feeding the hippo...don't think I would want his job!!! Look at those teeth!!

A visit with Mom and Dad...

My parents came for a visit these past few days and we've had a good time. The other day, we went to the National Museum here and got to see some great sights! Here are a few pictures of some of the "friends" we encountered!!

Here is a picture of my mom! She is standing in a place called the "place of nations" where they have used colored rocks to create the flags of each of the African countries. Here is a picture of Niger's flag...pretty cool, huh?